About OIEF


The Office of Institutional Effectiveness provides leadership and expertise in the development, management, analysis and reporting of institutional data. Through research and data analysis, OIEF supports SPU’s planning for and assessment of strategic initiatives. By design, OIEF crosses traditional departmental boundaries and has the authority to gather data from any institutional database to achieve the priorities set by the administration.

Institutional data is an important asset and its value is increased through good stewardship. OIEF is responsible for administering the University’s Institutional Data Policy and standards and provides leadership in developing, managing and reporting the University’s data with support from data administrators and the Systems and Data Management Group (SDMG).

Institutional support

  • President's cabinet and university assessment and planning
  • Official institutional data to complete external surveys, federal reporting requirements, and other data requests.
  • Compliance with the Higher Education Act-2008.
  • Database management — data is extracted from Banner systems at specific times, which allows further analysis of new undergraduate applicants, enrolled students, class sections, and financial aid information.
  • Institutional Data management and analysis — enrollment, employee, academic departmental analysis.
  • Institutional accreditation
  • Gathering comparable and aspirational peer data.

Support for enrollment management and student success initiatives

Through research, strategy development, enrollment modeling, and forecasting, OIEF works closely with administrators to develop enrollment and revenue goals. All models contain prior history, current budget year, and projections for future years. Once goals have been established, OIEF monitors progress and regularly provides updates to vice presidents and area administrators.

OIEF also maintains the Undergraduate Cohort Tracking database to support retention and graduation analysis. This database contains data from 2005 new student cohort (autumn) forward. It is updated quarterly with enrollment and National Student Loan Clearinghouse data and tracks the autumn cohort for six years. 

Support for Academic Affairs and Student Life

The academic database was created to support planning, assessment and program review efforts for Academic Affairs, school deans, and department chairs. Summary data for deans, chairs, and faculty is posted on OIEF’s website. The database is updated annually to provide multiyear views of the data for:

  • Academic analysis/faculty work load: Includes load credit (tied to class sections) and release credits (administrative responsibilities, professional development, leave, and learning outside the classroom).
  • Departmental Analysis: Combines financial and enrollment data (faculty, student credit hours, number of graduates, majors, etc.) and provides academic administration with trends. Comparisons by school and department for (1) regular tuition undergraduate programs, (2) special tuition undergraduate programs, and (3) graduate programs.

Other areas of support include:

  • Advisor surveys (annually) — data management, summary.
  • Course evaluations (quarterly) — data management, summary/analysis.
  • Program and student surveys — data management, summary/analysis.
  • Secondary accreditation.


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